Here’s one from Mrs Ward ………………….and one from Mrs McKinstry …….. and one from Mrs Walker too.
Mrs Battersby has been very creative!
That’s a huge rainbow from Miss Morris! Here’s a lovely one from Freya in Y4. Thanks Freya!
Isn’t that a lovely message? Faith (Y4) and her family have made a wall of rainbow pictures.
Kaila and Yannis drew their rainbows in pastels. What a lovely message from Milika (Y1)
Aren’t they great?

That’s a gorgeous cheeky smile!
And a lovely message.
Another lovely smiling face!
Tilly in Y4 made this. Isn’t it beautiful?
Mrs Walker’s granddaughter has her own rainbow house. Isn’t it great?
Email me yours, with your name attached, to and I’ll post it here too.