Autumn Term
Children will be taught to pass, dribble and shoot with control in games, Identify and use tactics to help their team keep the ball and take it towards the opposition’s goal, identify tactics that present opportunities to score goals, mark opponents and help each other in defence, pick out things that could be improved in performances and suggest ideas and practices to make them better, develop their own game and to be able to agree and teach the rules of it, know how to make games safe, be able to attempt to intercept, be able to participate in small sided game e.g. 5 a-side.
Children will be taught to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of 25 metres. To use a range of strokes effectively (for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke). To perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
Spring Term
Children will learn to create, practise and refine longer, more complex sequences for a performance, including changes in level, direction and speed, choose actions, body shapes and balances from a wider range of themes and ideas, adapt their performance to the demands of a task, using their knowledge of composition, use basic set criteria to make simple judgements about performances and Suggest ways they could be improved, be able to link and perform multiple sequential elements e.g. up to 8, understand the need for warming up and working on body strength, tone and flexibility; lead small groups in warm-up activities.
Children will learn to compose motifs and plan dances creatively and collaboratively in groups, adapt and refine the way they use weight, space and rhythm in their dances to express themselves in the style of dance they use, perform different styles of dance clearly and fluently, organise their own warm-up and cool-down exercises, show an understanding of safe exercising, recognise and comment on dances, showing an understanding of style and to suggest ways to improve their own and other people’s work.
Summer Term
Children will understand and demonstrate the difference between sprinting and running for sustained periods, know and demonstrate a range of throwing techniques, throw with some accuracy and power into a target area, perform a range of jumps, showing consistent technique and sometimes using a short run-up, play different roles in small groups, relate different types of activity to different heart rates and body temperatures, and use some of these activities when warming up, compare and contrast performances using appropriate language.
Children will learn to pass, dribble and shoot with control in games, identify and use tactics to help their team keep the ball and take it towards the opposition’s goal, identify tactics that present opportunities to score goals, mark opponents and help each other in defence, pick out things that could be improved in Performances and suggest ideas and practices to make them better, to develop their own game and to be able to agree and teach the rules of it, know how to make games safe, be able to attempt to intercept, be able to participate in small sided game e.g. 5 a-side, understand the need for warming up and working on body strength, tone and flexibility, lead small groups in warm-up activities.