Curriculum Rationale and Aims

       Curriculum Rationale

The mission statement of St Charles’ Catholic Primary School is ‘To Love, Learn and Grow Together’ and it underpins our curriculum and our wider school ethos. We have developed a child centred curriculum which inspires and enables all our children to learn and develop their skills to the best of their ability. Our broad and balanced, supportive curriculum, based on the National Curriculum, with inspiring and stimulating cross curricular links endeavours to motivate our children to learn and aim high. Our curriculum provides a range of opportunities and experiences to allow out children to grow and develop academically, physically, socially and morally whilst celebrating diversity in all its forms and educating our children about both the British and human values which is the mission of our school – ‘To Love, Learn and Grow Together’.

Curriculum Aims

It is our aim that our curriculum is:

  • Broad and covers the whole range of the subjects of the National Curriculum
  • Balanced in terms of giving appropriate focus to core areas of learning, but also sufficient time to all other areas to enable the children to fully develop the required skills, knowledge and understanding
  • Progressive so that children accumulate knowledge and skills through the school
  • Enriched by activities that are fun, motivating and memorable and include trips, visits and visitors that provide expertise and opportunities beyond those available within the school.
  • Inclusive so that all children have their needs met
  • Underpinned by our Christian values and ethos, educating our children in the Catholic faith, encouraging our pupils to live and act according to the gospel values.


At St Charles’ Catholic Primary School we aim high. We want every part of our school community- pupils, parents and members of staff to experience success. Our mission statement is ‘Love, Learn, Grow Together.’

We ensure that every child has access to a broad, balanced and supportive curriculum. Through this we are able to give our pupils a range of opportunities and experiences to grow and develop academically, physically socially and morally.


All National Curriculum subjects are carefully planned, structured and sequenced to ensure progression across units of work and across year groups or key stages. It is structured to help pupils remember long term the content that they have been taught and pupils are encouraged to integrate this new knowledge into larger areas. It is rooted, and has grown from, a solid agreement between all subject leaders about the knowledge and skills that our pupils will need in order to ensure that they develop resilience; growing and developing academically, physically, socially and morally.  We aim to tailor our curriculum to fulfil every child’s potential, taking into account (and adapting our curriculum) to incorporate local events and exhibitions. Through a curriculum that is both stimulating and challenging, we develop curiosity about the world around them and enable children to grow and develop; becoming independent, active learners.

Throughout all areas of the curriculum, reading is prioritised. Key vocabulary for all subjects is prominent on working walls and children are given access to a range of age appropriate texts across all subject areas.

There is a sharp focus on phonics for our younger pupils and a programme of support is in place for any older children who may need additional help, these may be SEND, EAL or new to country.

A range of after school activities and additional experiences such as; fieldwork, educational visits and visitors to school, ensure that both enjoyment and learning are enhanced – helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.


Children’s progress is carefully monitored through appropriate assessment and, where children are found to need additional support, we have a variety of interventions to help them.

Our staff at St Charles’ work hard, and are incredibly proud of, our stimulating and progressive curriculum that meets the needs of all of our pupils.

This is our Curriculum Map for Nursery

Nursery Curriculum 24-25

This is our Curriculum Map for Reception

Reception Curriculum 24-25

This is our Curriculum Map for Year 1 to Year 6

Year 1 to Year 6 Curriculum LTP 2023-2024

If you would like any further information about the curriculum at St Charles’ please contact:

Mrs B Battersby Tel: 0151 727 5830 Email: