RE Chatter

We have been looking at what makes a good home #StChRE
We have been looking at what makes a good home #StChRE

Today we heard about the call of the Disciples (Luke 5:1-11). We made “Fishers of Men” nets.

Prayer from the Holy Father for Peace
Today the Archbishop asked us to pray for peace and we did this as a whole school in our celebration assembly.

CAFOD Live Simply World Gifts Fundraising
A HUGE, HUGE thank you for your much appreciated help and support with our fundraising for CAFOD WORLD GIFTS as part of our LIVE SIMPLY Award.
So far, we have raised a MASSIVE £871.10 – THANK YOU
All the classes will be buying their chosen World Gifts soon and each class teacher will update you with the gifts their class has bought.
Again, thank you for your help and support.
