Whole school Chatter

Today is the launch of our fundraising event with @cashforkidsliv
Today is the launch of our fundraising event with @cashforkidsliv We have a 4 Week window to raise as much money as possible.
First Big Event – Friday 13th October – Family Colour Run
More events to follow. Please like and share #charity #fundraiser
Family Colour Run on the 13th October at 3pm
Tonight our sponsorship forms will be going out for the Family Colour Run on the 13th October at 3pm. Parents are invited to participate and can collect an additional sponsorship form from the class teacher. You can sponsor in cash or via the QR code attached.
Prayer from the Holy Father for Peace
Today the Archbishop asked us to pray for peace and we did this as a whole school in our celebration assembly.

Cash For Kids Day
The children getting prepared for our cash for kids 1 million steps. The children had a great time doing our it to support those in need.