Year 3 Chatter

What would you add to the ingredients of a chocolate bar?
What would you add to the ingredients of a chocolate bar? “If you want to view paradise, Simply look around and view it Anything you want to, do it!” Our children made incredible creations for Mr. Wonka #StChWriters @roald_dahl
What’s happening in Mr. Wonka’s factory?
What’s happening in Mr. Wonka’s factory? We need the world to know! What can you smell in a packet of sweets? What can you taste? #StChWriters

In Gymnastics we have been looking at jumps…
In Gymnastics we have been looking at jumps and looking at how to safely land #StChPE

Sending an email about our ideas to Mrs. Dean
Looking at how to develop the playground and send an email about our ideas to Mrs. Dean #StChComputing

We have been looking at what makes a good home #StChRE
We have been looking at what makes a good home #StChRE
Liverpool maths day
Thank you to all the families and especially children that joined us for #LiverpoolMathsDay we really appreciate your time and enthusiasm
We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! Thank you so much!!

Sending an email to our headteacher
We have all sent an email with what we would like to see on the playground #StChComputing
Acting out situations in PSHE today
We have been acting out situations in verbal and physical bullying and what we should do #StChPSHE
Performing Beauty and the Beast
Disney day singing as we performed Beauty and the Beast #StChMusic

Car Chassis
We have been building our car chassis in D.T. using lollipop sticks, dowel and elastic bands
We have been making our very own Formula one game in Computing. We made a sprite and coded it with IF Statements for when it comes off the track or reaches the finish line.

Prayer from the Holy Father for Peace
Today the Archbishop asked us to pray for peace and we did this as a whole school in our celebration assembly.

French Day Art
We took a picture of the Eiffel Tower, and decorated it how we wanted it to look and created a mixed colour background to create art.

Local Area Lark Lane
We have been exploring Lark Lane. We walked from our school on Tramway Road all the way to Lark Lane and Sefton Park. We explored the buildings on Lark Lane and selected one to draw and look at its features.

L.F.C Foundation
We have had the LFC Foundation in school teaching us some skills required to play tennis.
P.E Gymnastics
We have been looking a balances and stretches to warm up in our gymnastics lessons.
Place Value Games
We have been playing place value games to help us recall what we have been learning in Maths.
Drawing techniques
We have been looking how to use different drawing tools to create large pictures within our Art books.