Welcome to St Charles’ Catholic Primary School
We look forward to your child(ren) joing our school family.
Reception Admissions September 2025
Our admission number for September 2025 is 30.
To apply for St Charles’ Reception class for September 2025 you must complete a school application form and return to school by 15th January 2025, without this form your application cannot be considered.
We require 3 supporting documents with your form, (1) birth certificate (2) baptism certificate (3) utility bill less than 3 months old providing proof of residence. Applications cannot be accepted at school without all these documents. When you submit your full application, a receipt will be issued from the school office.
In addition to the form above, you must make an application to the Local Authority. You can do this by clicking on the link below, which will re-direct you to the schools admission page at the Local Authority. If you click on ‘Apply for Reception and Secondary Year 7 this will take you through the process step by step.
Local Authority Admissions Website.
You can collect the relevant information at the school office or email charles-ao@stcharlesliverpool.co.uk to request a form electronically.
If you would like to apply for a place at St Charles’ please find below the Admissions Policies for St Charles’ Catholic Primary School including our Nursery Admissions Policy and the Supplementary Faith Form.
In Year Admissions
If you are interested in becoming part of our school family, please visit the Local Authority website
Our timetable for organising and hearing admission appeals is currently under review and will be published later in the year.
Secondary Schools Admissions
To all our Year 6 Parents/Carers
If your child is in Year 6 from September 2024, you are now ready to apply online for a secondary school place for September 2025. To access the Local Authority Website please go to the following web page:
Click here for Liverpool City Council Admissions
Closing date for applications is 31st October 2024.
What do you need to do?
- Go to the school open evenings
- Take a checklist along with you of questions you want to ask.
- Collect information either from the school or from the Internet
- School prospectus
- School profile
- Ofsted report
- School website
- Performance tables – available from www.direct.gov.uk
- Include your child
- Ask for and consider their opinions and ideas
Check how closely your child fits the Admission Criteria or Policy – each school has a policy – BE REALISTIC
Over subscription criteria – this is applied if there are more applicants than places
Remember schools criteria differ. For example, community schools apply different criteria to faith schools
What do I need to do?
If you live within the boundaries of Liverpool City Council Complete the on-line form
Liverpool City Council Admissions
- If you are an ‘out of city’ resident you must apply to your home authority, e.g. Knowsley, Sefton,etc
- This applies no matter which Primary School your child attends or Secondary School you are interested in
- You can name schools in other authorities on Liverpool’s application form
- Check if the schools you are interested in need a direct application. For example, faith schools and academies. These forms are additional to the local authority application
Apply on time
Keep copies of all receipts
Keep your e-mail address active