Our SENDCo/ Inclusion Manager is Mrs. J McKinstry
She can be contacted by phoning 0151 7275830 or by emailing jmckinstry@stcharlesliverpool.co.uk
SEND Information Report
SEND Policy
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy 2024-2026
Accessibility Plan
Accessibility Policy and Plan 2022-2025
St Charles’ Catholic Primary School’s Local Offer
Primary Schools’ Wellbeing Booklet
DECP UK schools closures – support and advice
Please see below the latest offer from Advance Solutions:
Our Offer in Liverpool June 2020
Letter to Parents SEND Sufficiency
Helpline for Settings and Families
Helpline for Settings & Families FLYER
Useful Links:
Mind–Advice and support for mental health.
Heads Together-Advice and support for mental health.
Special Educational Needs & Disability Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)–
A service which provides free and confidential impartial information, advice advice to support children with SEND.
Pathological Demand Avoidance –The PDA Society is a registered charity that help support for children with PDA.
Liverpool Parent and Carers – LivPaC–LivPaC is a local parent carer forum in Liverpool.
Autism in Motion Liverpool–Autism in Motion is a parent led group.
ADDvanced Solutions Community Network–Community based learning, coaching and mentoring programmes.