Remote Learning

Remote Learning

At St Charles’ Catholic Primary School, we have developed a remote learning approach which ensures that the children’s education continues throughout any periods when they are not accessing education on-site. Remote learning will follow our curriculum and the children will be access work which is as close to the teaching and learning which would be covered in class as much as is possible.

Live Lessons will be delivered to any isolating class. These are easy to access and will allow the children to engage  with their class teacher who will support them with their work. To access the live lessons, EYFS and KS1 will use Class Dojo and Years 3-6 will use their class Google Classroom and click on the meet link where further information about  lesson content, resources, explanations and videos will be found.

Feedback, including general and individual, will also be found here.

If you experience any difficulties accessing Live Lessons on Google Classrooms or Class Dojo, or please contact the school for help.

If you are unable to access our remote learning online, please contact the school and we will send out a pack of work each week that can be completed and returned when your child returns to school. These packs will contain the work that is being completed online so that all children have access the same learning.

In the event of a bubble having to isolate, work will be uploaded onto Google Classrooms and/or Class Dojo on a daily basis. Paper packs will be provided if required.

If an individual child or family unit have to isolate, then remote learning will be provided either online or as a paper pack, depending on the needs of the children/family.

SEND support will continue to be provided (see below).

If you have any questions, please contact the school and we will be happy to help and support.


To ensure that all children are able to access our remote education, we will continue to provide differentiated work online and in paper copies, including through the instructions given and the tasks set.

St Charles Remote Education Policy

St Charles Pupil Expectations