What's On

Parents’ Evening

Parents evening is held for any parents who wish to discuss any information arising form their child's report

Year 6 Leavers’ Mass

Parents are invited to church as we say goodbye to all those leaving us this year.

Sports Day

Join us on the field and cheer on the children as they compete in a range of sports.

Year 6 leavers’ assembly

Parents of pupils in Year 6 are invited in to our leavers' assembly - bring tissues, there'll be plenty of funny, happy and sad memories being shared.

End of Year disco

We'll be celebrating the end of our school year with a disco. Children should bring a change of clothes and £1 for a drink and some sweets.

End of term

School closes today for the end of term

School reopens

School starts for the pupils today. Gate opens at 8.40. School starts at 8.55. Don't be late!

Meeting for Year 6 parents

The parents of pupils in Year 6 are invited to a meeting with Mrs McKinstry and Mrs Dean to explain our expectations and plans for the year ahead