10 events found.
School photographs
All children will have their school photograph taken, individually and in family groups
Mass for the feast of All Saints
All the KS1 and 2 pupils will be going to the parish Mass in church
The NSPCC will be delivering assemblies to each key stage to make children aware of the 'Speak Out, Stay Safe' campaign
Children in Need
Children may come into school in their own clothes for Children in Need
Year 6 trip to Liverpool museums
The pupils in Year 6's day out to Liverpool Museum linked to their work on the Victorians
Open Morning
Open Morning for parents looking for a place for their child in Reception in September 2018. Please email the school if you wish to register an interest in attending.
Own clothes day
Children may come to school in their own clothes if they bring a bottle or some chocolates for the Christmas Fayre tombola.