10 events found.
Lenten Mass
Mass in the school hall. All welcome
Library visit
Year 6 visit to Sefton Park library. Parent helpers needed.
Easter Hat competition
The School Council will judge our competition. There'll be a winner from each class, and one overall winner from the whole school.
Break Up
School closes for the Easter holiday at 2pm
Back to school
Summer term starts. Children may return to school in their summer uniform (see Uniform information)
Year 4 trip to Chester
Y4 pupils are going on a visit to Roman Chester. reply slips and payments are due back to school by Monday 15th May. Children need to bring a packed lunch.
Break up for Half Term
School finishes at 3.20 for our half term holiday
Secondary school information meeting for Y5 parents
Parents of pupils in Year 5 are invited to a meeting where information will be shared about secondary school application.