10 events found.
Half term holiday
School is closed all week
Inset Day
School is closed today for staff training
School reopens
School restarts at 8.55am for the second half of Autumn term
Open Morning for Reception 2020
Parents of children who are looking to join our Reception class in September 2020 are invited to come for a look round - bring the children too.
Own clothes day
Children may come into school in their 'own clothes' IF they bring a bottle to donate to the tombola at the Christmas Fair.
Christmas Fair
Our Christmas Fair takes place in the school hall from 3.20 to 4.30
Blessing of the Advent Wreath
Fr Ron will be coming to school to bless our wreath as we start our preparation for Christmas at the beginning of Advent
Y6 trip to the museum
Year 6 are going to the museum for the day.
Christmas pantomime
We're all off to Liverpool Empire to the pantomime!