10 events found.
Year 3 trip
Year 3 will be visiting Liverpool Museum.
Cross Country race
The final cross country race of this school year, postponed from last term, takes place at Wavertree.
Quicksticks competition
Two teams of boys and girls will be competing in a Quicksticks hockey competition at The Academy of St Nicholas
Girls’ football competition
A team of Year 3 and 4 girls will be competing at a tournament at St John Bosco School
May Day Bank Holiday
School is closed today
SATs week
Year 6 SATs tests all this week
Royal Wedding Garden Party
The children will be having a Garden Party to share in the celebrations for the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan. They may come in to school in clothes that are red,white or blue or any combination of those colours - but no football kits. They can also make a crown to bring in on […]
Half term starts
School finishes for half term today
School reopens
School starts again after half term