Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 2024-2025

 Class Teacher – Miss K Ehlen

We Are Ready, We Are Respectful, We Are Safe.

Information for Parents/Carers 

We will continue to post updates and information to our Class Dojo page. Please download the app and sign up to notifications.


Homework will go home every Friday and be expected to be handed in the following Friday.


As a school we teach Phonics using Read Write Inc.


Reading with your Child at home is so important.

Each week your child will be sent home with Read Write Inc Storybooks and Book Bag books linked to their current learning. These books should be read more than once to develop fluency and familiarise children with tricky words (red words) in order for them to become confident in decoding.

Reading Records 

We ask that you read at home with your child each night for approximately 15 minutes and write a comment in their reading record books each time your child reads at home. We would ask you read no more than a few pages each time and spend time discussing the story and asking your child questions in order for your child to fully understand the books. Please try and read your child’s home reading book more than once so ensure they fully understand the text.


This term, we will have PE every Wednesday.  Please make sure your child comes into school each PE day wearing their PE kit.


Year One Half Term Learning SPRING 2025

Useful Websites 

Oxford Owl

Daily 10
