


In Autumn Term, Year 2 pupils will be taught music by our specialist Music Teacher, Ms McVey. 



Spring Term 


In this topic pupils develop their knowledge and understanding of dynamics, timbre, tempo and instruments, identifying them in music that they hear and to compare pieces by the same composer. They visually represent music in creative and more formal ways and learn to play and compose motifs


Musical Me

In this topic children learn to sing the song ‘Once a Man Fell in a Well’ and to play it using tuned percussion, adding sound effects, experimenting with timbre and dynamics and using letter notation to write a melody


Summer Term 

African Call and Response Song 

Children go on a musical safari; using instruments to represent animals, copying rhythms, learning a traditional African call and response song and to recognise simple notation, progressing to creating their own animal based call and response rhythms


On this Island 

Taking inspiration from the British Isles, children explore how to create sounds to represent three contrasting landscapes: seaside, countryside and city. Through images and discussion, they develop an idea of what each of these places would sound like and then use this to create their own soundscapes.