During, Autumn Term, all Year 2 pupils will take part in PE every Friday. Children must come into school wearing their PE kits each week.


Over the course of the year they will be developing their skills in a range of areas including games, gymnastics, dance, throwing and catching and swimming. 


Pupils should develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.



Pupils will: 

Develop fundamental movement skills, becoming increasingly competent and confident;

Access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others;

Engage in competitive and cooperative physical activities in a range of increasingly challenging situations.


By the end of the unit they should be able to: 

  • Show awareness of opponents and team-mates when playing games;
  • Perform basic skills of rolling, striking and kicking with more confidence;
  • Apply these skills in a variety of simple games;
  • Be able to throw and catch a ball with a team member;
  • Know and understand the term intercept;
  • Make choices about appropriate targets, space and equipment;
  • Use a variety of simple tactics;
  • Describe how their bodies work and feel when playing games;
  • Work well with a partner and in a small group to improve their skills;
  • Be able to catch a moving ball
  • Know and understand the term ‘feed’
  • Be aware of space and use it to support team-mates and cause problems for the opposition;




Pupils will: 

Develop core movement, become increasingly competent and confident, and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others.

By the end of the unit they should be able to: 

  • Plan and repeat simple sequences of actions; show contrasts in shape;
  • Perform a sequence that shows clear change of speed;
  • Perform the basic gymnastic actions with coordination, control and variety;
  • Recognise and describe how they feel after exercise;
  • Describe what their bodies feel like during gymnastic activity;
  • Describe what they and others have done;
  • Say why they think gymnastic actions are being performed well
  • Be able to perform a sequence that flows;



Pupils will: 

Be able to link and perform a series of movements based on an imaginary character;

Develop fundamental movement skills, becoming increasingly competent and confident, and access a broad range of opportunities to extend agility, balance and coordination;


By the end of the unit they should be able to: 

  • Perform body actions with control and coordination;
  • Choose movements with different dynamic qualities to make a dance phrase that expresses an idea, mood or feeling;
  • Link actions;
  • Remember and repeat dance phrases;
  • Perform short dances, showing an understanding of expressive qualities;
  • Describe how dancing affects their body;
  • Know why it is important to be active;
  • Suggest ways they could improve their work;
  • Be able to link and perform a series of Movements based on imaginary characters