Attendance & Punctuality

Our whole school target is for at least 97% attendance every week, and for all children to be in school when school starts at 8.40 am, the gates are closed at 8.55 am. Any child arriving after the school gates have closed, must be signed in at Reception by an adult. We work hard to our target and appreciate the support of our parents and carers in doing so.  Punctuality is very important and children should arrive between 8.40 am and 8.55 am.

Classes who have 100% attendance on any day receive a small reward for doing so. Class attendance totals are announced in our Friday Celebration Assembly.

At the end of each half term we hold a ‘reward afternoon’ for pupils with excellent attendance and punctuality that half term. The school council has a say in deciding what form the reward will take.

Pupils who achieve 100% attendance for the whole term are presented with a certificate at the end of each term. We usually have around a third of the school (up to 70 pupils) who receive such certificates. Anyone achieving 100% for the whole year receives a special award and prize at the end of the year.

If any pupil’s attendance falls below the level required by the Department for Education, school will work with our Education Welfare Officer, Cath Breen, to identify reasons and help to support those pupils and their families. However, if attendance fails to improve, or parents fail to engage with school or the EWO, sanctions, including the possibility of a Court summons, could ensue.

In accordance with current legislation from the Department for Education, we do not authorise pupils’ absence for family holidays.  Any request for such authorisation must be made in writing to Mrs Dean in advance of the proposed absence.

Attendance and Punctuality Policy Children 2023-2025