2020 Intake Information

St Hugh's Primary School

New Intake Information


Welcome to St Charles’ Catholic Primary School! 


This web-page will provide you with lots of information which will help you to get your child ‘school-ready’ and  support transition into ‘big school’. If you haven’t yet received an offer or would like to make a late application to St Charles’. let us know at charles-ao@stcharlesliverpool.co.uk and we’ll be in touch.



 Before your child starts school, we do our upmost to give your child opportunities to meet with members of the EYFS team in order to develop a positive relationships.  We will hold a ‘New Parent’s Meeting’ and a ‘Stay and Play Session.’ We will also contact your child’s current nursery and where possible, arrange a visit. 

Dates will be confirmed shortly.

Home Visits

Home Visits will take place at the beginning of September 2020. 


What is a Home Visit? 

  • All Parents are given an opportunity to have a 1:1 conversation with members of the EYFS during home visits. This gives parents an opportunity to ask any questions and discuss any personal information which may be useful for the school.More information about Home Visits will be given during the new intake morning.
  • We will also contact all nursery settings to arrange a visit to meet your child in their current setting. If this is not possible then we aim to speak to them informally to gain as much information about your child as possible.
  • All Reception children will attend school for half days during their first week of school, this allows children and staff members to get to know each other betters as well as easing children into their new setting.  


If you have any questions then please contact us directly on the school telephone number 0151 727 5830 or email charles-ao@stcharlesliverpool.co.uk


Additional Information for Parents to Support Transition 


Reception Transition Home Learning Booklet New

Click to download our EYFS Prospectus Information 2020


Ensuring your child is ‘School Ready’

Being school-ready is not just about being able to count to 10 and write your name. It’s about developing independence, resilience and personal skills.  Now is a great time to start practicing these skills so you child is ready for ‘big-school.’


Steps to starting school


There’s lots of advice about getting ready for starting school at:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/collections/starting-primary-school/1




What to Expect When Parents’ Guide is a great document to develop your understanding of typical age related developments







Other Useful documents



Read Write Inc 




set 1 sounds images

Set 2 and Set 3 Sounds



Policies and Other Documents 

St Charles’ EYFS Transition Policy