What's On

Own clothes day

Children may come into school in their 'own clothes' IF they bring a bottle to donate to the tombola at the Christmas Fair.

Christmas Fair

Our Christmas Fair takes place in the school hall from 3.20 to 4.30

Blessing of the Advent Wreath

Fr Ron will be coming to school to bless our wreath as we start our preparation for Christmas at the beginning of Advent

Christmas pantomime

We're all off to Liverpool Empire to the pantomime!

Wear Your Christmas Jumper to school day

Pupils may wear their Christmas jumpers to school today instead of their school jumper or cardigan. The rest of their uniform should be worn as usual.

Christmas Dinner

Any children in KS2 who usually have a packed lunch may have a Christmas dinner today for the cost of £2. Orders must be in by Monday 9th December.

Own clothes day

Children may come into school in their 'own clothes' IF they bring some chocolates for our Christmas Bingo.

Reception Nativity play

Parents and families of children in Reception are invited to watch their Nativity play - some say it's the highlight of the school year!