What's On

Reception Nativity play

Parents and families of children in Reception are invited to watch their Nativity play - some say it's the highlight of the school year!

Children’s Christmas Bingo

Tickets are £2.50 per child, which includes five games of bingo, hotdogs/cheese butties, drinks and snacks, and AMAZING prizes!

Year 1 and 2 performance

Parents and families of children in Years 1 and 2 are invited to see the play they are producing for the Empire Theatre.

Carol Service

We will be going to church to celebrate the Christmas story by listening to readings and singing carols. All our families and friends are welcome to join us there.

Christmas Disco

Our final treat for Christmas is our Christmas disco. Children may bring in their disco clothes to change into after lunch, plus £1 for drinks and sweets.


School closes at 2pm for the Christmas holiday

School closes on Friday 20th December at 1:30pm

We are having our annual open morning on Wednesday 8th November 2023 @ 10 am.  This is for new Reception children and Nursery children.  We look forward to seeing you […]