
Autumn Term 1

We will be writing our own Traditional Tales and instructions.

Grammar: Word

me, be, was, no Grammar: Sentence
Build on previous units & focus on:
Combining words to make labels, captions, lists, phrases and short sentences. Joining words using and joining words and clauses using ‘and’ Grammar:

Build on previous units & focus on:
Sequencing sentences to form short narratives.
Help retell stories orally to support writing (depending on developmental stage) by:
1) Using repeated story language e.g. she ran and she ran and she ran
2) Using time adverbials e.g. First, Then, Next, Finally, Eventually, Suddenly Grammar: Punctuation
Build on previous units & focus on:
Letter formation
Separation of words with spaces Capital letters
Personal pronoun – I
Full Stops


Build on previous year & focus on:
Reinforce plural noun suffix -s -es
Suffix added to verbs – er
Grammar: Sentence
Build on previous year & focus on:
Combining words to make sentences
Joining words and clauses using-and
Grammar: Text
Build on previous year & focus on:
Sequencing sentences to form short
Grammar: Punctuation
Build on previous year & focus on:
Separation of words with spaces
Capital letters
Full Stops

Autumn Term 2


We will be writing a letter and detective story.

Capital letters
Full Stops
Question mark
Exclamation markBuild on previous year & focus on:
Reinforce plural noun suffix -s -es
How prefix un – changes the meaning of verbs and adjectives

Grammar: Sentence
Build on previous year & focus on:
Combining words to make sentences
Joining words and clauses using-and, because, so


Spring Term 1

We will be writing a a portal story and an information text.


Spring Term 2

Summer Term 1


We will be writing a return story and a post card.


Summer Term 2

We will be writing a hunting story and recipes.


Useful websites for English

Literacy shed has a wide range of brilliant short animations of every genre. They then have suggested activities to complete after watching the videos.


Phonics play have provided a free log in for the purposes of learning phonics at home.

The phase your child is at in phonics was highlighted at the top of the letter in their home learning pack.

Username: march20
Password: home


They also have a range of decodable phonics comics for children at every phase.


Here is a useful guide for parents on teaching phonics.



Here are some other useful links:

https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/ Free on desktop (cost to download on ipads).

http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/bingoOriginal/index.html Blending Bingo.