Autumn Term
What is a Computer?
When children picture a computer, they often think of a screen, mouse and keyboard. This topic explores exactly what a computer is, with pupils identifying and learning how inputs and outputs work, how computers are used in the wider world and designing their own computerised invention.
Word Processing
In this topic, children learn about word processing and how to stay safe online as well developing their touch typing skills. They are introduced to keyboard shortcuts, as well as simple editing tools within a word processor including: bold, italics, underline and font colour as well as how to import images.
Spring Term
Programming: Scratch Jr
Using the app ‘ScratchJr’ children; explore what ‘blocks’ do by carrying out an informative cycle of predict > test > review, programme a familiar story and an animation of an animal, make their own musical instrument by creating buttons and recording sounds and follow an algorithm to record a joke.
Algorithms and Debugging
This combination of unplugged and plugged-in activities develop childrens’ understanding of; what algorithms are, how to program them and how they can be developed to be more efficient, introducing pupils to loops,
Summer Term
International Space Station
The International Space Station (ISS) is a fascinating real-world setting for teaching about how data is collected, used and displayed as well as the scientific learning of the conditions needed for plants and animals, including humans, to survive.
Stop Motion
Pupils learn how to create simple animations, storyboarding their ideas and then decomposing the story into small parts of action to be captured using the Stop Motion Animation software. They will need to work carefully to frame and take shots, making minute movements each time to ensure a clear end result