English and Phonics



Autumn Term 1

In English, we are following ‘Read to Write’ and studying ‘A River’ by Marc Martin.

We will be writing circular narratives and letters by developing the following areas;

Grammar: Word

  • Build on previous units & focus on:
  • Use of the Suffixes
  • –er & –est in adjectives

Grammar: Sentence

  • Build on previous units & focus on:
  • Subordination (using when, if, that, because)
  • Co-ordination (or, and, but)
  • sentence indicates its function as a statement and question.
  • Expanded Noun Phrases for description and specification

Grammar: Text

  • Build on previous units & focus on: Correct choice and consistent use of past and present tense throughout writing

Grammar: Punctuation

  • Build on previous units & focus on:
  • Use of capital letters, full stops and question marks to demarcate sentences.
  • Commas to separate items in a list
  • Apostrophes to mark where letters are missing in spelling (contractions)


Autumn Term 2 

This half term we will be reading The Night Gardener by The Fan Brothers.We will be writing a recount and a diary entry. 

Grammar: Word

Build on previous year by:

  • Use of the suffix –ly to turn adjectives into adverbs

Grammar: Sentence

Build on previous year & focus on:

  • Subordination (using when, if, that, because)
  • Co-ordination (or, and, but)
  • sentence indicates its function as a statement and question.
  • Expanded Noun Phrases for description and specification

Grammar: Text

Build on previous year & focus on:

  • Correct choice and consistent use of past and present tense throughout writing

Grammar: Punctuation

Build on previous year & focus on:

  • Use of capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate sentences.
  • Apostrophes to mark where letters are missing in spelling
  • Commas to separate items in a list


Spring Term 1 

This half term we will be reading ‘The Bog Baby’ by Jeanne Willis. We will be learning how to write a finding story and instructions. 


Spring Term 2 

During Spring Term 2 we will be reading Grandad’s Island by Benji Davies. We will be writing a return narrative and an Information text. 


Summer Term 1 

This half term we will be reading The King Who Banned the Dark by Emily Haworth-Booth. We will be writing a banning narrative and Letters. 

Summer Term 2 

This half term we will be reading Rosie Revere Engineer by Andrea Beaty. We will be writing an Invention Narrative and an explanation text. 


Parent Help 






As a school we teach phonics through the Read Write Inc scheme of work. Phonics is taught daily. All children are assessed each half term and taught phonics linked to their current ability. 

For more information about RWI (Read Write Inc) and how to support your child at home please see https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/reading/read-write-inc-phonics-guide-for-parents/


Phonics Websites 











https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ – free phonics activities

https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/ – free on desktop (cost to download on ipads)

http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/bingoOriginal/index.html    Blending Bingo

Twinkl phonics apps (small fee to download)