Autumn – World War II
The children will learn when and why World War II began and find out about the key individuals and countries involved.
In addition to this, they will discover what it was like for people on the home front and how they contributed to the war effort, as well as all about evacuation and what it was like to live with food rationing. They will also learn all about the roles and responsibilities of the men and women who served in the British armed forces; explore the significance of the Battle of Britain and the German invasion of Russia; participate in wartime songs, dances and games and develop a sense of awareness and appreciation when learning about different commemorative events. Furthermore, they will learn important facts about the Holocaust and investigate events that were key turning points in the war.
Studying World War II will help children to develop their investigation and evaluation skills; learn to organise information chronologically and understand how past events have helped to shape the world we know today.
Spring – Crime and Punishment
The children will develop their chronological knowledge beyond 1066 through studying this aspect of social history. They will find out about the legacy of the Roman justice system and crime and punishment through the Anglo-Saxon, Tudor and Victorian periods. They will also deepen their historical awareness and understanding of how our past is constructed through studying the famous highwayman Dick Turpin. The children will reflect upon and evaluate what they have learnt as well as comparing modern day crime prevention and detection methods with those from the past.
Map Skills
The children will further explore the range of maps available to geographers and to develop their understanding of the key features of maps. They will study a range of maps and atlases, including digital maps, and compare their features. They will learn to use the eight compass points to give directions and give grid references to locate places on a map. By comparing maps of the same
place, children will learn about the way that places have changed over time.
Summer – Coasts
The children will use maps to locate, identify and learn about some of the famous coastal resorts in the UK and the world. They will learn about the physical and human characteristics of coasts, erosion and its cause, different types of beach, coastal land use and management. In addition the children will understand how the Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Drift affect the climate of the UK and how a tsunami occurs. The children will develop their knowledge of vocabulary related to coasts.